About project

Alternative skills and resources for job searching

The Emotional Employment project plans to show the importance of the application of Emotional Intelligence tools, skills and strategies for job seekers, especially in groups such as first job seekers, long-term unemployed or lowed skills adults looking for a reinsertion in the labor market. The project will have a double line of intervention, both with the job seekers and with counsellors, looking for the necessity of vertical and horizontal communication with a common goal.
In a short term this goal will be the training in Emotional Intelligence skills during the search process in order to find a job, and in a mid-term the aim is people will improve productivity, reinforce stability in the companies and, as a result, benefit the level and quality of employability. The overall objective of this project is to take conscience of the importance of Emotional Intelligence skills in a new economic model and a new working world.

Our main objectives are:

• Develop a training system to manage and teach emotional skills in job counselling;
• Develop a toolbox containing several training tools dedicated to job seekers in order to self-manage the main emotional skills involved in the searching process to keep an operative emotional state;
• Combine an online Open Educational Resource training system with offline material and a face-to-face training and mentoring programme;
• Take conscience of the importance of Emotional Intelligence skills in a new economic model and a new working world;
• Training of entrepreneurs and the development of their empathy;
• Promote wider thinking about Emotional tools, skills and strategies;
• Promote a transfer of innovation in the field of Emotional Intelligence for job counsellors and job seekers.

What is Emotional Intelligence? What are the emotional skills?

Emotional intelligence (EI) is a concept that has caught the attention of researchers, practitioners, and the general public over the last decade. Emotional stability, agreeableness, sociability, and empathy are among the traits considered to be central aspects of EI.

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to:
• Recognize, understand and manage our own emotions;
• Recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others.
In practical terms, this means being aware that emotions can drive our behavior and impact people (positively and negatively) and learning how to manage those emotions – both our own and others – especially when we are under pressure.
Emotional skills are the unique ‘’key’’ that ‘’open’’ the process of learning about inner feelings and leads to a understanding of how and why they happen, recognising one's own feelings and those of others, and developing effective ways of managing them.
There are many types of emotional skills. By building these emotional skills — skills like emotion regulation, empathy, communication, motivation, positive thinking, relationship skills, self-expression, self-awareness, self-trust— you can more easily increase your happiness and well-being.
